We enjoy a rich and varied range of worship, led by Presbyters, Deacons and local preachers, along the following pattern. Please refer to the quarterly Circuit Plan for details. Young Church for 4-11 year-olds is organised during Sunday morning services (excluding All-Age Worship). Infant Baptism and Christening services are usually held during our 10.30am Sunday morning worship.
- Our main act of worship at 10.30am on Sundays which is also live-streamed to YouTube
- Early Morning Communion at 9am on the second Sunday of the month
- All-Age Worship at 10.30am on the second Sunday of the month
- Morning Worship with Holy Communion at 10.30am on the 4th Sunday of the month
- WAVE Church (We’re All Valued Equally) at 3.30pm on the second Sunday of the month
- Monthly Lego Church/ Messy Church at 3.30pm on Sunday afternoons (see events listing)
- Occasional reflective evening worship – see the Circuit Plan for dates