Rev Matt’s vlog
Hear Rev Matt’s message on mental health.
Hear Rev Matt’s message on mental health.
Acts chapters 10-11
God gives Peter a vision of a sheet descending from the heavens. Included in the sheet were some unclean animals. He told Peter, “what God has made clean, do not call common.”
Food is an important social and cultural symbol. What to eat, and with whom, establishes the boundaries between one community and another – especially when groups feel under pressure to conform to wider cultural norms.
Both Helen and I have enjoyed eating the different food of all traditions since arriving in the circuit. We don’t say unless it’s a Yorkshire pudding we will not be eating.
Here’s the context from our Acts reading…
Many Jewish writings from this period forbid table fellowship between Jews and Gentiles. But changing traditional boundaries is unsettling, even disturbing, as Peter discovered when he told his story in Jerusalem.
Twice his retelling makes the point that God makes no distinction between what humans call ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’ (vv,9,12). And he saw the heavenly vision that conveyed this three times (v.10).
The Jesus movement gained a reputation for ‘turning the world upside down’ (Acts 17.6) – eating with tax collectors, healing on the Sabbath and so on. Hence the importance of highlighting the authority for radical change: Peter’s heavenly vision (v5-10); and then Peter that John the Baptist baptised with water, but you baptised with the Holy Spirit.
All things from God is pure.
However much human beings turn community boundaries into barriers, the Spirit of Jesus will not be hindered in overcoming the divisions these create.
John 13 offers a totally positive image of transformation, a perfected new Jerusalem and a community transformed in love and by love.
We need…
1. Each other
2. God
3. Holy Spirit
These break down barriers and builds bridges.
Jesus calls us to be loving disciples. So, I pray we continue to love people, our community, and our world.
10.30am Morning worship – Young Church and Jon Simms
9.30-12.30 NO Baby Talk
9.30-11.30 NO Toddlers
10 – 12.30 Open Thursday – refreshments & chat
12.15-1pm Thursday Prayers
1.00pm Lunch Club Christmas dinner
8.00pm Christmas choir rehearsal
Morning – NO Child Contact Centre
10.30am “Pop-up Nativity” led by Rev Matt Lunn
4.30pm Christmas choir rehearsal
6.30pm Candle-lit carol service followed by refreshments
7.30pm Gliders’ Christmas party
3.30pm 11.15pm Christingle Midnight Communion
10.30am Christmas Celebration
10.00am Boxing Day walk on Hampstead Heath
Twenty-four years ago, in 1994, my first Christmas at Muswell Hill Methodist Church was difficult. My diary tells me it was a bright sunny morning, while the Queen’s Speech on the radio talked of love and faith. Then I dragged myself along to Pages Lane. The ‘tree’ on display matched my mood. Stunted, with old tired tinsel and haphazard fairy lights. It seemed tawdry almost, a neglected relic exhumed as a perfunctory nod to tradition. It had no heart.
The next year, my rented house in Chiswick still sub-let, I transported three salad boxes of lights and decorations to the church. Four or five year’s worth, in assorted colours and styles (some even from a bi-annual Xmas dinner held on 25 June 25, with hot-weather turkey and home-made pudding, summer-lit by fake tree). No room in my 10’ x 12’ bedsit, so they emigrated to a lock-up in the Stables. And each year I added to them, buying cut-price in January to deliberately theme with colour and design.
Why we have Christmas trees – a brief history
In 1997/98, tired of the ‘pagan’ whispers, I held a Twelfth Night party in my room. My white four-foot artificial tree, finished with suns and moons, was so charged: ‘Strip the tree and put it on trial’. Forty people squeezed in over the five hours, each group marvelling as I doused the white lights so the baseline blue set (bought with Shirley at Covent Garden flower market) could illuminate the bare cap. And throw a shadow of a kneeling Mary on my pale blue walls.
That was never going to work in church, but it led to one of my favourites. While Dr Susan Young painstakingly glazed lemons, quinces, limes and oranges, my art-school friend Lisa (she did that year’s calligraphy) and I spray-painted a 12 foot fir with green car-paint. Then hung those artificial-looking fruits on that artificial-looking tree. While we bedded in Susan’s clumped cinnamon sticks we found a bird’s nest (mercifully free of eggs).
But, now, here, was grandma’s china ornament worked large. Yet, up close, you could suddenly see – and smell – it was real!
And so, over the years (but I missed 2003, I think) there has been some attempt at surprise, or – dare I say – wonder? For a long time my poor mechanic friend, Craig, already exhausted with my ancient German cars, lent very willing hands. Some of you may remember the ‘Angel Wings’ we fabricated out of coat hangers and pillow-feathers (lots of them); some perhaps recall the reflective cds and pink and blue lights on ‘21stCentury Christmas’. We built a Full Moon for one year’s heavenly confluence and for Mike’s first year, the lantern from Holman Hunt’s ‘Light of the World’.
Holman Hunt’s light of the world
The painting forms an altarpiece in St Paul’s Cathedral’s Middlesex Chapel, where it serves as an object of devotion and contemplation. Learn more.
The trick is three-fold. It has to last, so I spray it with cheap hair-lacquer to seal the ends and stop needle-drop. That needs a night to dry, and then come the lights. There’s always two colours, so the whole look can be changed. One year, I fitted remote-operated plugs, kidding David Mullins the lights were voice-operated, just say, “Jesus is Lord!” – and kept the remote behind my back, telling him it wouldn’t work with his Welsh accent. And thirdly – and most importantly – decorate the tree with the lights off. Get it looking good without artificial help, then, when you hit the switch, pow!
There’s a fourth – Lametta, aka single-strand tinsel, gently sprinkled, it clings to the branches and baubles, bulks up the gaps and, hanging, hides the holes in the tree. With the bead-chains it gives a hazy depth, even lustre. But it does drop, though I laboriously reclaim most each year. And, er, someone nameless doesn’t really like it, so sometimes I get bored and leave it bare.
Those Xmas boxes now number 32, and they’re stored in a crawl space in my loft’s attic (or my attic’s loft?). Getting them out – and back in is like wriggling down the tunnel in The Great Escape. But for the past three seasons, I have been aided – steadied would be a better term – in all ways by Tomas Tomasson and Steve Jacobs-Garrison. This year we were joined by Jeff Elmer, who seemingly has an inexhaustible supply of wires and glue, and so we repaired the gold and blue suns and moons from all those years ago.
They helped link to this year’s publicity motif, as designed by Alison Taylor-Smith. Our take’s a repeat of maybe six or seven year’s ago, but with added colour-changing ledlights. It’s a globe, of course, our earth as it might be seen from space.
Yet it’s upside down. Or is it?
Not to God.
Robbert reveals the contents of his treasured boxes of Christmas tree decorations.
1) RED shiny
2) … in matte
3) … in maroon / matte Hearts
4) … in Bows / Beads / Poinsettias
5) SILVER… shiny / matte / Bells / Garland
6) … in Acorns / cluster / frosted
7) … in Mirror Balls / red emboss / Icicles
8) GREEN / BRONZE gold acorns / cinnamon
9) GOLD yellow / shiny / Hearts / old
10) .. in matte / mirror / Beads / Lametta
11) .. (old) matte / Ribbons / Beads
12) BLUE (dark) / small / Beads / matte
13) WHITE … snowflakes / Stars / Beads / Cupids
14) … Snowballs/ clear (green) / Icicles
15) PINK /PURPLE .. glitter / Beads / clear / Lametta
16/17/18) old / Ribbons / Hangers / Tinsel / gold Leaf
19) BLUE.. bright / silvery / glitter / Owls
20) …Acorns .. purple/pearl
21) Susan’s … ornaments (candles downstairs)
1) white (snowy) x 3
2) white (clear) x 4
3) red x 3 (2 transformers)
4) red x 4 (40s)
5) blue x 2 (3rd – bedroom) Icicles / matte decs
6) white (160) x 2 warm / Parasol / Nova boxes
7) green x2 Habitat stranded, plus 2 white strand
8) purple x 5 (6th in 9 assorted)
9) assorted : coloured 40s / white 50s & ribbon (transform) x 3
10) spares and unworking
Trees (black / Susan’s / Habitat) + peace Noel / wreath etc..
For those unfamiliar with Robert’s favourite song here’s a link to the title track of David Sylvian’s first solo album – Brilliant Trees.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis ipsum magna. Fusce rutrum nulla vestibulum enim gravida, quis scelerisque erat consequat. Phasellus eget condimentum augue, vel faucibus massa. Phasellus ac hendrerit ante, vel auctor nisl. Sed iaculis turpis velit, quis pellentesque nibh viverra a. Phasellus suscipit tellus vitae commodo dignissim. Duis ac lectus quis nibh condimentum volutpat aliquet sit amet lacus. Integer ligula tellus, accumsan id libero vel, congue blandit nunc. Aenean dignissim velit enim, eu blandit enim tempus vel. Nullam volutpat, enim ac rhoncus viverra, lacus lectus porta ante, ut porttitor turpis ipsum vitae nunc. Maecenas id tempus quam. Sed vel auctor tortor. Donec at pretium mauris.
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Phasellus scelerisque ante eget enim rutrum dictum. Pellentesque eleifend bibendum euismod. In tristique laoreet massa et lobortis. Fusce viverra aliquet mauris nec egestas. Nullam sagittis in nibh a bibendum. Vestibulum faucibus, arcu ut dignissim suscipit, purus mauris sodales sapien, sed pretium erat sem a enim. Quisque pulvinar ante eu enim fringilla, sed rhoncus est convallis. Morbi dictum, nulla eget pellentesque rutrum, diam ante rhoncus tortor, quis ullamcorper felis lacus et purus. Pellentesque bibendum ac tortor sed interdum. Cras hendrerit sem massa, sit amet fermentum dui volutpat eu.
Pellentesque imperdiet vulputate condimentum. Fusce quam purus, rutrum non justo dapibus, scelerisque lacinia odio. Donec quam dui, convallis a metus a, scelerisque tempor neque. Ut id mauris non sem euismod tempus. Vestibulum lacinia commodo urna vel volutpat. Etiam pretium libero non ultricies suscipit. Etiam faucibus ornare ligula, eget lacinia felis. Ut sagittis vel nulla nec fermentum. Praesent rutrum velit in felis ullamcorper volutpat. Praesent ac diam ultricies, venenatis orci ut, interdum mauris. Proin ac nibh eu tortor laoreet mattis. Nulla at ultrices arcu, ut adipiscing nibh.
In sed sapien at mi pharetra luctus. Cras in turpis sed risus dapibus condimentum sed commodo est. Curabitur et nunc nulla. Aliquam vestibulum, velit sed cursus pellentesque, urna felis consectetur magna, convallis facilisis felis nisi egestas nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque iaculis leo a magna scelerisque, ut sollicitudin ipsum congue. Morbi ultrices ullamcorper arcu, quis lobortis ligula tristique vitae. Aenean sit amet malesuada odio. Nunc dignissim metus id velit accumsan porta. In sed semper nisi, ut tincidunt diam. Nullam ultrices sollicitudin rhoncus. Vivamus in augue metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas eget ultrices arcu, eget pretium ligula. Quisque rhoncus convallis posuere.
The Methodist Church in Muswell Hill was founded in 1891, initially meeting in a wooden ‘Norwegian Chalet’ which had been part of the Alexandra Palace Exhibition. Then, in 1899, a large Victorian church and Sunday School Hall were built in Colney Hatch Lane.
In the early 1980s, these buildings were found to have major structural defects. Rather than invest huge amounts of money to maintain a large Victorian building, the decision was taken to sell the land, and to build a new church on the North Bank Estate. This combines a lovely, peaceful area for worship with more flexible ways of using the space. Continuity with the old church has been maintained by the imaginative use of much of the stained glass. The huge cross window is made up of smaller windows from the side walls. The emphasis is on faith and service to God being completely integrated, so each window has a scene from a Bible story, together with a scene showing how the same principles are worked out in practice.
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