Hybrid Worship at MHMC logo v2

Hybrid Worship

Join us in person or online for our next Hybrid Worship on Sunday which will be led by Revd Matt Lunn.

‘What is Hybrid Worship?’, we hear you ask. It’s where we bring together both physical and online attendees in real time through the power of technology, enabling both communities to meet and share together in the same act of worship.

Hybrid Worship is a step-on from ‘Live Streamed’ worship (which allows you to watch a live service, but not participate in it); in Hybrid Worship, Zoom enables people at home to appear on screen in church and contribute to the service, and for the folk in church to greet their friends who are online.

To attend Hybrid Worship from home, just click on this Zoom Meeting link at the time of the service (or go to www.zoom.us and follow the instructions to join a meeting using meeting ID 995 195 4464 then enter the passcode 123456).  To chat with other online folk and be greeted by people arriving at church, do join the meeting from around 10:20.

If you plan to come along to church, please read this item about how to keep yourself and others safe during worship.

We look forward to seeing you on-screen or at church for our Hybrid Worship!