Online Quiz Night on 5-Oct raising funds for Christian Aid

Let’s support Christian Aid — and have some fun together!

In common with other charities, Christian Aid’s funds have been severely hit this year, and our church’s contribution to Christian Aid Week was also much reduced. So here’s an opportunity to raise a bit for Christian Aid and have some fun together – a Quiz on Monday 5th October, starting at 8pm raising funds for Christian Aid, and YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED.

As well as the fun of a well-organised quiz, it will be an opportunity to catch up with friends from across the church that you may not have seen for a few months, as well as raise much needed funds for Christian Aid! Although using a computer/ smartphone is preferable, you can dial-in on a normal telephone, and it will be great to hear from you!

We will be using the same Zoom meeting room that we use for Zoom Coffee & Chat after Sunday Worship (9951954464, passcode 123456). If you’re calling from a telephone line, dial any of the following phone numbers (sometimes the first one is busy), then enter the meeting ID of 9951954464 followed by #, and # again when prompted for a participant ID: 020 3481 5237, 020 3481 5240, 020 3901 7895

The Zoom room will be open from 7.45pm to allow folk to check their settings, chat to friends and make a start on the marathon round, which will be shared with you when you join the quiz. Folk will be randomly allocated to teams when we start the quiz, and then remain in those teams for the evening (although everyone will be together in between rounds for the questions asking and answer giving). More detailed instructions as to how the quiz will be run will be provided on the evening itself.

We do hope that you will make a donation to Christian Aid, where the need for funds is so great. Donations can be made directly to the organisation through their website at, or via the Church General Account using BACS (sort-code: 30-99-86, account: 02322684, ref: XnAid). In both cases, please advise David Watson to help us keep a tally of our church’s giving to Christian Aid.

Although you can just turn up on the night, it would be useful to know how many people are likely to join the quiz, so please let David Watson know if you think you’ll be attending. We look forward to seeing you all on 5th October!