Our online schedule of Prayers and Worship

We continue to pursue our mission and ministry during this period of enforced social-distancing through a range of online content provided by our Circuit Ministry Team with support from folk at different churches.

All our content is posted on both the New River Circuit Facebook and YouTube pages which can be viewed without having to sign-in, so you can easily browse through the back-catalogue of services if you missed any.

Here is a reminder of the weekly schedule; we look forward to your participation whenever you are able:

Sunday 10.30am – Worship led by the Circuit Staff and contributors
Monday-Saturday 9am – Morning Prayers (live)
Monday-Friday 11am – Thought for the Day
Monday 2pm – Lounging with the Lunn’s (live)
Saturday 10.30am – (on the last Saturday of the month) Virtual Coffee Morning (live), sharing good news, birthdays, prayer and photos of your #StayHome cuppa and cake