Christmas is not cancelled…
The Prime Minister has just announced that Christmas is cancelled. For those of us in London we now enter into a new tier 4 which allows no mixing and no travel. We rejoice that Mary & Joseph were allowed to travel to Bethlehem because of a census and how we long for the time we can travel and move around freely.
However, the good news is that no prime minister or government can cancel the Coming of Christ – Christmas – for God continually comes among us offering life and hope now and for the future.
A king and those in power sought to destroy the Christ-child and failed. Throughout His life and ministry people sought to destroy Jesus and in the end, when the time was right, He gave his life on a cross to bring salvation, hope and life to the world in every generation.
And as we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, especially in the holy communion or the eucharist, so we celebrate the mass of Christ – Christmas……Alleluia!
Christmas is not cancelled for every day is Christmas when God surprises earth with heaven and bursts in upon our lives again.
Matt, Myrtle and Stephen