Coffee & Chat after online Sunday service

Each week we hold a Coffee & Chat session on Zoom video-conference after the online Sunday morning service, and it would be great to see you there. Distant contacts welcome! Please remember to respect confidentiality during these conversations. The session starts after the end of the morning service and continues for about an hour, possibly longer if some people want to go on chatting, so please feel free to join or leave at any time during that period. If there are sufficient attendees, we have a number of smaller group sessions to aid conversation.

From a computer, tablet or smartphone, you can join using this link.

If you don’t have Zoom already installed, this will lead you to install it (an easy process).  Alternatively, you can search for Zoom in your browser and join the meeting by quoting meeting ID: 995 195 4464 then enter the passcode 123456.

If you haven’t used Zoom before, please don’t be daunted as it is very straightforward to use and can be run on a smartphone, tablet or computer, and if you would prefer not to install the application you can just use your web browser. So why not give it a try!

A few quick tips:

  • Make sure you have checked your sound and video beforehand, and that you have suitable lighting that lights your face rather than your background.
  • It’s best to use ‘Gallery View‘ when there are many people present so that you can see lots of people at once (although if you using a mobile or tablet, you will need to swipe left or right to see other faces).
  • Please try to keep background noises to a minimum (and your own interjections), as outbound sounds cut across what anyone else is saying!  Ideally, consider keeping yourself ‘muted’ unless you have something to say, and hold your hand up to indicate that you would like to speak.

Should you need help…
In case of any difficulties, please call Brian Simpson (07879 668347) or David Combes (07901 853405) before or during the session. Feedback afterwards would be appreciated! Please email Brian ( or David ( or call our mobiles – thank you!